February is here and its arrived so quickly... Many people associate February as the month of Amethyst, but depending on the date of your birth means you could choose a different stone..
1st to 18 February Aquamarine and Amethyst
19th to end Amethyst and Moonstone
Is an exciting month for one person in my house as Octavia celebrates her 11th birthday on the 4th...and she is definately an Amethyst girl.
So whats it for, its a fantastic stone to have in the home. Place a piece either side of your doors into your home, the ideas is that you and anyone else walking over the threshold will leave their negative vibes and problems outside! Its also good for pain relief, headaches and releasing tension.. wear it as jewellery and feel the restfulness Amethyst brings, brillian for meditaion...
I will be using more February stones this month so keep checking on AnasPretties (link below) to see whats going on..
Governing Angel of February is Barchiel