Well May is upon us and in full swing, the sun is shinning and the birds are singing.. I don't like mornings but the sound of the birds twittering away happily outside my window makes me smile as I begin another day...
May has always seemed a funny time to me, the weather is warmer yet its not quite the summer, this was always enstilled in me growing up when I was too hot to wear a vest yet mum always chanted... 'ner cast a cloud till may is out', something I find my self saying to my daugher although no one seems to wear vests anymore!
So whats in stall for May, well if its your birthday then you are either a Taurus or Gemini and your birthstone will be one of the following, Emerald, Topaz, Tourmaline or Agate...
Emerald - is a stone of inspirations and infinite patience and is known as the 'stone of successful love'. It can also help with detoxification so if you are looking for your summer body maybe carrying Emerald will help!!!!
Topaz - as stone to stimulate and recharge and promotes truth and forgiveness. Will aid digestion and helps restore taste.
Tourmaline - is a protection stone, it will cleanse and purifiy and transform low energy into a lighter vibration. Black tourmaline protects against electromagnetic smog, so if you work with computers and use a mobile phone constantly think about carrying a small stone around with you or place near your computer.
Agate - has the power to harmonize yin and yang, is a soothing and calming stone and brings about great strenght. Its cleansing effect is powerful and can eliminate and transform negative energies, placed on the heart will help heal the emotional hurt that makes us reject love.
Big big happy 39th birthday to my friend Natasha Glover on the 25th May, love you lots x and many happy returns to anyone else with a May birthday.
Small reminder for June - Fathers Day 19th June...put it in your diary plus I will be at an event on the 20th May event invitation will be sent out in the next day or so...
Have a happy May
Love and light x
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Monday, 4 April 2011
The sun is shinning, the weather is definately warmer (I wish my feet were), the flowers are blooming and the birds are chirpping....and dare I say the bees and wasps seem a lot bigger after the long winter... April is here!
So whats happening in April, well Mothers day was yesterday 3rd April and from what I've heard seems to have been well celebrated and enjoyed by all. We also have Easter and I'm sure lots of chocolate will be eaten, but the biggest thing to happen this month is the Royal Wedding between Kate and William, it seems the UK isn't as excited about this as expected... what do you think?
So lets look at the stones for the month.. again split across Aries and Taurus the stones are Ruby, Diamond, Emerald and Topaz... all expensive stones yet very beautiful. So if you are celebrating your birthday have a great day and remember to point your other half or family members over to AnasPretties on Facebook for that special something, you never know there could be some red, white and blue creations just to be a little patriotic!

Thursday, 17 March 2011
The Norfolk Wedding Fayre - 27th March 2011
I will be there on the day, only booked into it today and quite by surprise if I'm honest still it could be the beginning of something new and fantastic.... watch this space! If nothing else just imagine all those sparkly things a girls dream.....
I think the reason I'm so excited about this is that I never got to plan my own wedding the way I really wanted it, my now ex husband decided that money was too important to spend on what is meant to be the best day of your lives but hay ho, I must have been ok with it otherwise I would never have married him - sometimes I wonder why!!!!
Anyway enough of past thoughts and regrets 'By Victoria' will be here on the day helping those blushing brides make the day of their dreams come true xxx
Check this link and if you are in the area on the day come by and say hi....http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=159517770736484
I will be there on the day, only booked into it today and quite by surprise if I'm honest still it could be the beginning of something new and fantastic.... watch this space! If nothing else just imagine all those sparkly things a girls dream.....
I think the reason I'm so excited about this is that I never got to plan my own wedding the way I really wanted it, my now ex husband decided that money was too important to spend on what is meant to be the best day of your lives but hay ho, I must have been ok with it otherwise I would never have married him - sometimes I wonder why!!!!
Anyway enough of past thoughts and regrets 'By Victoria' will be here on the day helping those blushing brides make the day of their dreams come true xxx
Check this link and if you are in the area on the day come by and say hi....http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=159517770736484
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
March Madness

Oh March is here, where did February go... I must have slept thru it all. Hopefully now we will be looking forward to some warmer and brighter weather?? I see many daffodils raising their heads and in some places the small tint of yellow is starting to show... oh how daffodils make me smile!
So what have we got to look forward to this March?
8th March, yummy pancake day, 17th St Patricks day, shamrock and guiness to hand, 18th Red Nose day 2011, can you remember where you were on the first Red Nose day??? Did you think it would still be happening today???
March Birthstones, Moonstone, Ruby and Diamond
Star Signs, Pisces and Aires
Moonstone what is Moonstone? (pic above) This stone is a a stone for new beginnings, its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions and is extremely good for woman for PMS, conception, pregnancy, child birth and breast feeding, be aware tho at full moon as your moods and emotions could be highten so remove if you feel different.
Ruby this is a stone for energy. It detoxifies the body, blood and lymph and treats fevers and infections. Very good for heart and circulation. Wear either on your finger or ankle or place over your heart.
Diamond they say diamonds are a girls best friend... is a symbol of urity and is said to enhance the love between husband and wife. Helps clear emotional and mental stress and brings about clear new meanings. Ideally worn as earrings and can protect against mobile phone emanations.
If its your birthday this month, many happy returns...
oh and one final remember, Mothers Day is 3rd April... Don't forget
Come by my page and check out my store for all my latest creations...
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

February is here and its arrived so quickly... Many people associate February as the month of Amethyst, but depending on the date of your birth means you could choose a different stone..
1st to 18 February Aquamarine and Amethyst
19th to end Amethyst and Moonstone
Is an exciting month for one person in my house as Octavia celebrates her 11th birthday on the 4th...and she is definately an Amethyst girl.
So whats it for, its a fantastic stone to have in the home. Place a piece either side of your doors into your home, the ideas is that you and anyone else walking over the threshold will leave their negative vibes and problems outside! Its also good for pain relief, headaches and releasing tension.. wear it as jewellery and feel the restfulness Amethyst brings, brillian for meditaion...
I will be using more February stones this month so keep checking on AnasPretties (link below) to see whats going on..
Governing Angel of February is Barchiel
Thursday, 13 January 2011
I know its been ages, but I've been working on something new and exciting.... Just launched is
'by Victoria' for AnasPretties, a page on facebook for all things wedding.. From tiaras, to favours, cards and guest books..
come by and say hi and I promise i'll come back and update soon
'by Victoria' for AnasPretties, a page on facebook for all things wedding.. From tiaras, to favours, cards and guest books..
come by and say hi and I promise i'll come back and update soon
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Well what can I say, I'm excited... ooh excited. It seems to be happening, oh I do hope i've not jinxed it now. Earlier this week I was asked if I would consider making a bridesmaid tiara?? Of course I said yes. So after a conversation with Pippa I understood what she needed. It helped a bit as she sent a couple of pics of ones she had seen but wanted something from one and something from another...
So I got to planning...
And then a strange thing happened... Pippa called again, could I do a comb for a 7 year old who was also gonna be bridesmaid... well of course I would but it needed to be simple, not so fussy not so big and it was only to sit in the front of the hair.
So I got planning again....
Then could I do another comb, long story but needed to be the same as before...
Pippa is excited so excited in fact that she has spoken to anyone who listens and brilliantly last night had a call from one of her friends wanted a bespoke AnasPretties bracelet, necklace and headband plus wants to have a jewellery party and loves my stuff..... YAY could this be the beginning of something good???? Oh please please please let it beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Oh I thought I'd post the pic of the first completed tiara for Pippa.... and by the way she loves it! What more could I ask for?
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